Ubaidah, S.Pd., M.Pd
Ubaidah, S.Pd., M.Pd
Assurance of Learning Specialist
Ubaidah was born in Jakarta. As she grown up in a javanese family, she was educated in a bold javanese culture and philosophy that believe everyone has their own role to make a better world, to be someone who empowering and inspiring people around them. On her childhood time, she has a dream to be a police woman as she believe police woman will always help the others and fight againts bad people. But as time goes, she has changed her dream. After graduated from SMKN 51 Jakarta on Multimedia department, she submitted in State University of Jakarta in 2007 to take her bachelor degree in Educational Technology and choose Instructional Media Development concentration. In State University of Jakarta, she seen that the most powerfull thing to chage the world is education. She realized that every developed country can survive to change their worst condition because of their willingness to change their education systems. She believe that Indonesia will also change into a better country if Indonesia can change its education systems, even for a small changement on their classroom. After graduated from State University of Jakarta in 2012, she commited to be focused in educational world as her career. After one year career in instructor and trainer development skills in Persatuan Instruktur Kompeten Indonesia, an organization under Ministry of Manpower, she decided to join Binus University in 2013 as Curriculum Quality Controller. In Binus University, she involved in curriculum development and evaluation processs in order to ensure the quality of curriculum in every department under Binus University. Her latest project in Binus University is to guide Binus University as Pilot University in IQF (Indonesian Qualification Framework) implementation. Lately, she is continue her magister degree program in Educational Technology and registered as Faculty Member in Primary Teacher Education Binus University. She will focus on her research in curriculum and instructional field of expertise as her passion. She hope, by involving in Primary Teacher Education of Binus University, she can share her experience and knowledge in order to build qualified primary teacher, for a better education quality, for a better Indonesia, for a better world.